OpenStreetView (OSV) is a Ruby on Rails application.
Requirements for OSV- MySQL (Database)
- Ruby 1.8-dev
- Rails 2.3.8
- Rubygems
Installation steps for requirements :
Open the terminal and run the following command :
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client -
Ruby 1.8-dev
Open terminal and then write the following command :
$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev -
Download Rubygems :
Now unzip that using following command in terminal :
$ cd Downloads (Move to location where you downloaded rubygems)
$ unzip rubygems-1.3.7.zipNow move rubygems-1.3.7 to /usr/local/src
Open terminal and write
$ cd Downloads
$ mv rubygems-1.3.7 /usr/local/srcAfter that install rubygems. Open terminal and run
$ cd /usr/local/src/rubygems-1.3.7
$ ruby setup.rbOR
You can install rubygems by running following command in terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install rubygems -
Rails 2.3.8
Run following command in terminal:
$ sudo gem install rails -v 2.3.8
Now check whether you have installed each and everything correctly or not.
Run following in treminal:
$ ruby -v
$ gem -v
$ rails -v
After fulfilling the requirements, its time to download OSV code.
Download the code from:
And then extract that somewhere you want.
Or you can do as below:
mkdir OSV
cd OSV
sudo apt-get install git-core;
git clone git://
// or
git clone
cd OpenStreetView
cd config
sudo gedit config/database.yml
It will Open the database.yml in Geditor. This file contain the Information regarding the Database connection for OSV So Carefully do as:
a)Change user and password of MySQL and socket as follow
b)socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Now edit the other file as:
sudo gedit config/environment.rb
// Change server name from to localhost in line
// number 7, in line number 4, make version for RAILS_GEM_VERSION as ‘2.3.8’
Now Change the Directory as Follow as:
cd vendor/plugins/
a)git clone restful_authentication
b)sudo rake gems:install
You are Just two Steps away to Run OSV. Now change the Directory as Following and do as:
a)cd OSV/OpenStreetView
c)rake db:migrate
The script/server will Start the server , Now you Can run the OSV at localhost as:
Browse in browser(localhost:3000)
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