
  • Ruby on Rails – Installation using RVM

    Ruby Version Manager (RVM) is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.

    Steps for Installation
    Open terminal and run following commands.

    • Step 1
      $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core curl
    • Step 2
      RVM Installation
      $ curl -L | bash -s stable
    • Step 3
      $ echo ‘[[ -s “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm” ]] && source “$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm”‘ >> ~/.bashrc
    • Step 4
      $ ~/.bashrc
    • Step 5
      $ . ~/.bashrc
    • Step 6
      Check requirements for Ruby
      $ rvm requirements
    • Step 7
      Install requirements of Ruby by RVM
      $ sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion pkg-config
    • Step 8
      Install Ruby with 1.9.3 version
      $ rvm install 1.9.3
    • Step 9
      Check Rubygems version. Its installed with Ruby.
      $ gem -v
    • Step 9
      Install Rails latest version
      $ rvm gem install rails
    • Step 10
      Check version of Ruby, Rails and Rubygems
      $ ruby -v
      ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [i686-linux]
      $ gem -v
      $ rails -v
      Rails 3.2.8

    Installation is complete. Now try RoR Apps.
    If you find any error between steps then share it as comments.
    Thanks for using this post.

  • OpenstreetView (OSV) – RoR Application

    OpenStreetView (OSV)  is a Ruby on Rails application.
    Requirements for OSV
    1. MySQL (Database)
    2. Ruby 1.8-dev
    3. Rails 2.3.8
    4. Rubygems
    Installation steps for requirements :
    1. MySQL

      Open the terminal and run the following command :
      $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

    2. Ruby 1.8-dev

      Open terminal and then write the following command :
      $ sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev

    3. Rubygems

      Download Rubygems :
      Now unzip that using following command in terminal :
      $ cd Downloads (Move to location where you downloaded rubygems)
      $ unzip

      Now move rubygems-1.3.7 to /usr/local/src
      Open terminal and write
      $ cd Downloads
      $ mv rubygems-1.3.7 /usr/local/src

      After that install rubygems. Open terminal and run
      $ cd /usr/local/src/rubygems-1.3.7
      $ ruby setup.rb


      You can install rubygems by running following command in terminal:
      $ sudo apt-get install rubygems

    4. Rails 2.3.8

      Run following command in terminal:
      $ sudo gem install rails -v 2.3.8

    Now check whether you have installed each and everything correctly or not.
    Run following in treminal:

          $ ruby -v
          $ gem -v
          $ rails -v

    After fulfilling the requirements, its time to download OSV code.

    Download the code from:

    And then extract that somewhere you want.

    Or you can do as below:

    mkdir OSV
    cd OSV
    sudo apt-get install git-core;
    git clone git://
    // or
    git clone
    cd OpenStreetView
    cd config
    sudo gedit config/database.yml

    It will Open the database.yml in Geditor. This file contain the Information regarding the Database connection for OSV So Carefully do as:

    a)Change user and password of MySQL and socket as follow
    b)socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

    Now edit the other file as:
    sudo gedit config/environment.rb

    // Change server name from to localhost in line
    // number 7, in line number 4, make version for RAILS_GEM_VERSION as ‘2.3.8’
    Now Change the Directory as Follow as:

    cd vendor/plugins/
    a)git clone restful_authentication
    b)sudo rake gems:install
    You are Just two Steps away to Run OSV. Now change the Directory as Following and do as:

    a)cd OSV/OpenStreetView
    c)rake db:migrate

    The script/server will Start the server , Now you Can run the OSV at localhost as:
     Browse in browser(localhost:3000)

  • Virtualbox

    Virtualbox is a tool that provides to run multiple OS’s without rebooting your system. You can install any OS using virtualbox. Its a great tool to run another OS within another OS. For example, If you have installed Ubuntu 12.04 and you want to install Ubuntu 11.10. Then you have option that you can install that alongside Ubuntu 12.04. But with this step you have to reboot each time to switch between different OS’s.

    But you can install Ubuntu 11.04 within Ubuntu 12.04 using Virtualbox.

    Installation steps for Virtualbox:

    • Step 1
      wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –
    • Step 2
      sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb precise contrib” >> /etc/apt/sources.list’
    • Step 3
      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1

    Now open dashboard and type virtualbox,

    then open that. It looks like below:

  • Trip to Rajgarh, HP (22-06-2012)

    GD Trip : It was a great trip, enjoyed alot with all members. I was too excited for trip. I wake up at 3:00 am in morning and  get ready for trip. I also told my mom to make rice as order by Sandy. By 4: 30 AM we were started journey  to Rajgarh (Destination). Our first stop was Pinjor Garden, Here we clicked pics and also enjoyed Poha. It was very yummy. After spending some time there, we move on to Rajgarh. And then we reached there by 3:00 PM. That was the best time of trip. Here we could experience actual beauty of nature. We did tracking and capture that movements in camera. And then we all eat mangoes, sitting on rocks, enjoying weather. It was a nice experience and difficult to express. At Last we went to Badu Sahib, nice place. At last we headed towards Ludhiana. Around 3:00 AM we reached to college and most of the day-scholars spent night in hostel, I’m also one of them. Well this trip was adventurous and full of enjoyment.

  • Ruby on Rails – Blog Application (Rails 2 App)

    Creating the Blog Application

    For creating this application you must install Ruby on Rails on your system and also install the database to add the backend for your applicaton.

    Click here for installing Ruby on Rails and MySQL Database.

    Follow the steps for creating your blog application in Ruby on Rails :

      1. Open a terminal, navigate to a folder where you have rights to create files, and type :

        $ rails blog -d mysql

        -d mysql option create database with MySQL connectivity.

      2. Now move to blog folder using :

        $ cd blog

      3. Database Configuration

        Open the database.yml file to edit the database settings.
        For this enter following commands in terminal:

        $ cd config/
        $ gedit database.yml

        Replace username and password with your MySQL Username and password.
        Update these changes in all three sections : development, test and production.

        After saving these changes, run this command in terminal:
        $ cd ..

      4. Database Creation

        Run the following command in terminal to create database :

        $ rake db:create

      5. Starting up Web Server

        Run this command in terminal to run default webpage in browser:

        $ script/server

      6. Creating Controller

        Run this command in terminal:

        ruby script/generate controller home index

      7. Edit Home Page

        Open app/views/home/index.html.erb file. Run these commands in terminal:

        $ cd app/views/home/
        $ gedit index.html.erb

        Add following line and Save the file.(You can also delete the previous text)

        <h1>Hello Rails !</h1>

      8. Remove index.html from public folder

        $ cd
        $ cd Desktop/blog
        $ rm pulic/index.html

      9. Setting the Application Home Page

        Open routes.rb file.
        $ gedit config/routes.rb

        Find the line beginning with root :root and uncomment it.
        Replace that line with this :

        map:root :controller => ‘home’, :action => ‘index’

        Now save that file and if you navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser, you’ll see the home/index view.

      10. Creating a Resource

        In the case of the blog application, you can start by generating a scaffolded Post resource. To do this, enter this command in your terminal:

        $ script/generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text

      11. Running a Migration

        Use following command to create tables:

        $ rake db:migrate

      12. Add a Link

        Open index.html.erb file to add link to My Blog page.

        $ cd app/views/home/index.html.erb

        Add this line at last,

        <%= link_to “My Blog”, posts_path %>

        and save the file.

        The link_to method is one of Rails’ built-in view helpers. It creates a hyperlink based on text to display and where to go – in this case, to the path for posts.

      13. Test Your Blog Application

        $ script/server

        Now open http://localhost:3000/ in browser.

      By these steps your blog is created and if you find any error then feel free to ask and share it through comments.

  • Configuring the Database in Ruby on Rails

    Configuring a Database

    Just about every Rails application will interact with a database. The database to use is specified in a configuration file, config/database.yml. If you open this file in a new Rails application, you’ll see a default database configured to use SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different environments in which Rails can run by default:

    • The development environment is used on your development/local computer as you interact manually with the application.
    • The test environment is used when running automated tests.
    • The production environment is used when you deploy your application for the world to use.

    1) Configuring an SQLite3 Database

    Rails comes with built-in support for SQLite3, which is a lightweight serverless database application. While a busy production environment may overload SQLite, it works well for development and testing. Rails defaults to using an SQLite database when creating a new project, but you can always change it later.

    Here’s the section of the default configuration file (config/database.yml) with connection information for the development environment:

      adapter: sqlite3
      database: db/development.sqlite3
      pool: 5
      timeout: 5000

    In this guide we are using an SQLite3 database for data storage, because it is a zero configuration database that just works. Rails also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL “out of the box”, and has plugins for many database systems. If you are using a database in a production environment Rails most likely has an adapter for it.

    2) Configuring a MySQL Database

    If you choose to use MySQL instead of the shipped SQLite3 database, yourconfig/database.yml will look a little different. Here’s the development section:

      adapter: mysql
      encoding: utf8
      database: new_development
      pool: 5
      username: root
      socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

    If your development computer’s MySQL installation includes a root user with an empty password, this configuration should work for you. Otherwise, change the username and password in the development section as appropriate and you can also do these changes in test and production sections too.

    3) Configuring a PostgreSQL Database

    If you choose to use PostgreSQL, your config/database.yml will be customized to use PostgreSQL databases:

      adapter: postgresql
      encoding: unicode
      database: new_development
      pool: 5
      username: blog

    You can also do these changes in test and production sections.

    Change the username and password in the development section as appropriate.

    Creating the Database

    Now that you have your database configured, it’s time to have Rails create an empty database for you. You can do this by running a rake command:

    $ rake db:create

    This will create your development and test  databases inside the db/ folder

  • Installation Steps for Ruby on Rails

    Steps to install Ruby on Rails

    1) Setting up the Rails development environment

    Ruby, rubygems, rails and other required packages can be installed by :

    1. sudo apt-get install build-essential
    2. $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
    3. $ cd Downloads
    4. $ wget
    5. $ tar xzvf rubygems-1.8.24.tgz
    6. $ sudo mv rubygems-1.8.24 /usr/local/src
    7. $ cd 
    8. $ cd /usr/local/src
    9. $ cd rubygems-1.8.24
    10. $ sudo ruby setup.rb
    11. $ sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/gem gem /usr/bin/gem1.8 1 
      If you got error in this step (ERROR: update-alterntives:error: unknown argument ‘–install’),   then retype ‘–‘ (Two Hyphens) before install
    12. $ sudo gem install rails

    2) Setting up MySQL Database

    If you have already installed Mysql then ignore this step.

    $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

    Well you have now install Ruby on Rails ,Now its time to test it. So Create a Rails’s application .Here name of Rails application is new ,you can give your own name.

    Go to place where you want to create Ruby on Rails application and run these commands in terminal :

    rails new
    cd new
    rails server

    The rails server command launches a small web server named WEBrick which comes bundled with Ruby. You’ll use this any time you want to view your work through a web browser.
    This command will give you the following output in terminal

    => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.0 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server [2010-04-18 03:20:33] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2010-04-18 03:20:33] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10) [x86_64-linux] [2010-04-18 03:20:33] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=26086 port=3000

    With just three commands we whipped up a Rails server listening on port 3000. Go to your browser and open http://localhost:3000, you will see a basic rails app running.
    Congratulations ,You are now running Ruby on Rails.
    If you want to stop server then Press Ctrl+C in terminal

    Continue to Configuring the Database in Ruby on Rails.

  • Ruby on Rails

    What is Rails?Ruby on Rails

    Rails is a web development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making several assumptions about what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write less code while accomplishing more than many other languages and frameworks. Longtime Rails developers also report that it makes web application development more fun. Rails is opinionated software. That is, it assumes that there is a best way to do things, and it’s designed to encourage that best way – and in some cases discourage alternatives. If you learn “The Rails Way” you’ll probably discover a tremendous increase in productivity. If you persist in bringing old habits from other languages to your Rails development, and trying to use patterns you learned elsewhere, you may have a less happy experience. The Rails philosophy includes several guiding principles:

    • DRY – “Don’t Repeat Yourself” – suggests that writing the same code over and over again is a bad thing.
    • Convention Over Configuration – means that Rails makes assumptions about what you want to do and how you’re going to do it, rather than letting you tweak every little thing through endless configuration files.
    • REST is the best pattern for web applications – organizing your application around resources and standard HTTP verbs is the fastest way to go.

    The MVC Architecture

    Rails is organized around the Model, View, Controller architecture, usually just called MVC. MVC benefits include:

    • Isolation of business logic from the user interface
    • Ease of keeping code DRY
    • Making it clear where different types of code belong for easier maintenance


    A model represents the information (data) of the application and the rules to manipulate that data. In the case of Rails, models are primarily used for managing the rules of interaction with a corresponding database table. In most cases, one table in your database will correspond to one model in your application. The bulk of your application’s business logic will be concentrated in the models.


    Views represent the user interface of your application. In Rails, views are often HTML files with embedded Ruby code that performs tasks related solely to the presentation of the data. Views handle the job of providing data to the web browser or other tool that is used to make requests from your application.


    Controllers provide the “glue” between models and views. In Rails, controllers are responsible for processing the incoming requests from the web browser, interrogating the models for data, and passing that data on to the views for presentation.

    The Components of Rails

    Rails provides a full stack of components for creating web applications, including:

    • Action Controller
    • Action View
    • Active Record
    • Action Mailer
    • Active Resource
    • Railties
    • Active Support

    Action Controller

    Action Controller is the component that manages the controllers in a Rails application. The Action Controller framework processes incoming requests to a Rails application, extracts parameters, and dispatches them to the intended action. Services provided by Action Controller include session management, template rendering, and redirect management.

    Action View

    Action View manages the views of your Rails application. It can create both HTML and XML output by default. Action View manages rendering templates, including nested and partial templates, and includes built-in AJAX support.

    Active Record

    Active Record is the base for the models in a Rails application. It provides database independence, basic CRUDfunctionality, advanced finding capabilities, and the ability to relate models to one another, among other services.

    Action Mailer

    Action Mailer is a framework for building e-mail services. You can use Action Mailer to send emails based on flexible templates, or to receive and process incoming email.

    Active Resource

    Active Resource provides a framework for managing the connection between business objects an RESTful web services. It implements a way to map web-based resources to local objects with CRUD semantics.


    Railties is the core Rails code that builds new Rails applications and glues the various frameworks together in any Rails application.

    Active Support

    Active Support is an extensive collection of utility classes and standard Ruby library extensions that are used in the Rails, both by the core code and by your applications.

  • Fedena, An Opensource (And Free) School Management System

    School management software systems in India are archaic (just the way our education system is) and most of these software are developed by fly-by-night operators who really do a crappy job of building such a software (and charge a bomb to schools).

    At the core, schools need to really adapt latest software which can help them improve productivity (many big schools in Bangalore still store student data in Microsoft excel).

    Fedena is set to change the scene with its open source school management software, developed on RoR framework. Developed by Bangalore based Foradian Technologies, Fedena can be used as:

    • Student Information System (SIS)
    • School Management software
    • School ERP
    • Campus Management software
    • Student records system
    • Student management system
    • School software
    • E-learning system

    Fedena Admin Screen

    Fig : Dashboard of Fedena Admin

    Benefits to schools:

    • Available in chosen language.[Ex: Kannada, Tamil, Spansh]
    • Easy tracking of students and Employees
    • Easy way for TC generation and Transfer of Batch
    • Time table generation and Examination creation
    • Analyzing student’s performance and attendance
    • Various student and staff reports [based on different category, religion, blood group, caste, DOB and many other filters]
    • Easy Attendance Marking and Attendance reports
    • All the historical records of a student available easily
    • Helps in sending data to UID project
    • As the entire data is online and secure, any analysis can be done at any desired point of time.

    Welcome !

    Check out my diary. Hope you like it.

    Task 1   

    I did C++ programs using gcc compiler (g++). These programs are on Water Distribution System and Slot Machine. Its interesting job.

    Task 2 (12-05-2012) 

    Next I give presentation on above programs. Its was great experience. Seminar was good but I think Its was understood by few ones.

    Task 3 (14-05-2012)

    After that I started video chatting application which is good but Its not working well on LINUX systems. But their was a solution. I also tried that but its requires some configuration which may not available on some systems which lead to not working of OpenTok (Video chatting application). I also learn new things with this.


    Today, I am finding solution for Opentok to run it on LINUX systems. I surfed a lot.


    Yesterday’s problem was solved and I also implemented that and its working. I feel good. After that i have tried to access my page on localhost. In college its not working but at home its work well.


    Today’s task is to run video chat app. on experimental. Navdeep created account for me on experimental. After getting my account, I’m learning how to use that. I have learnt about how to use ssh and upload file on experimental.


    Finally I upload webpage for video chatting. But its not working. Because Its requirements are not fulfilled by user’s system. For that I have found solution i.e. installation of webcam studio on LINUX system to work well with OpenTok.


    Today, I surfed internet for better option for video chatting other than OpenTok. I found alternatives like Dialogoo. But this app does not gives facility to video recording, video archiving. And these facilities are available in OpenTok.


    Today, I write an article on OpenTok. Here’s the link for that :


    Today, I have started with next task i.e. Searching of best FOSS ERP software for schools. FOSS ( Free and Open Source Software ) is software that is both free software that is both free software and open source. It is liberally licensed to grant users the right to use, copy, study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code. ERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is business management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business. ERP software integrates all facets of an operation, including development, manufacturing, sales and marketing.


    I surfed a lot for best ERP’s but each website has its own views and ideas about ERP Software’s. At last     I came to point of choosing one and best ERP for schools which is FOSS too. I go with Fedena.

        Fedena ERP is an open source school/campus management syatem based on Ruby on Rails framework. It’s an one stop solution for all kind of school manament related issues and helps you to manage student databases and all other activities online.

    To know more about Fedena follow this link :


    Today, I have implemented Fedena. I have successfully installed Fedena on my laptop. And checking out its features too. Its great software for schools and campuses. Nice project. Hope you also want to try this and like this too.


    Yesterday, Fedena was installed without any error. But today when I tried PDF feature its not working.

    I was finding solution and i’m tired with that but at last I found my mistake. It was really a silly and careless mistake. I have downloaded wkhtmltopdf Static Library instead of wkhtmltopdf Static Binary.  

    wkhtmlpdf Binay file is required to create PDF file. From this I have learned that don’t do things in hurry, be calm and do things carefully. Hope after reading this no one do this again like me.


    Today, I am searching tutorials Ruby on Rails for knowing it well and for trying some examples.


    Today, I am trying Ruby on Rails example. This example is to create Blog application. But I am getting  error with this application at one step.


    My yesterday’s problem was not solved but i’m trying. At last I have found solution for that. I have created application with Ruby on Rails. Blog application is simple and takes few minutes to create this using Ruby on Rails.


    Today, I have started another Ruby on Rails application i.e. OSV (OpenStreetView). Its application for uploading photos on geographical areas.


    I am using OSV, but while uploading there’s an error of MiniMagick .


    Last day’s error of OSV is solved by installing ImageMagick software i.e. image viewing tool. Its very silly error.


    I am using OSV and side by side i’m exploring Fedena features to implement it on college. While using OSV, I noticed that after uploading images it does not processing images for next step. It takes too much time to solve the problem but don’t about this how to do this. I also searched for OSV mailing list but not able to get. Now I know the mailing list of OSV, I found that with the help of Rai sir. He mailed me the link for that and then i send mail to OSV for my problem and I’m waiting for their reply.


    Today I tried to solve my yesterdays problem, but its still unsolved.


    Today I got reply from OSV Mailing List. I really want to thanks to them for help me.

    Here’s the reply :


    Hello Mandeep,

    To get pictures out of the “pending” state you have to run the file“script/tools/processor.rb”, which will process all pictures (createthumbnails, etc.). If you just start the script, it will keep runningforever and processing new pictures as they are added. You can removethe “while true” loop and then it will only process pictures once andexit afterwards.

    Also keep in mind that the default settings specify that each picturehas to be reviewed by three different persons before it shows up on themap.


    On Wed, Jun 6, 2012, at 08:42, Mandeep Kaur wrote:> Hello Friends,> I am using OpenStreetView on my localhost. I have downloaded the latest> code from github. Its working well but there is a problem in moderation> section. After uploading the photo, the push message for photo is not> available and photo status always set to pending. Can anyone help me to> solve this problem and also explain the installation procedure if i am> doing wrong.> Thanks > — Mandeep Kaur > _______________________________________________> Photos mailing list[email protected]


    But i’m not able to do that because OSV doesn’t working …. : (

    Its sad news for me. But hope for best.

    I also searched for Ruby on Rails CMS for creating website. I found too many but shortlisted 3 RoR CMSs’

    1) Refinery CMS

    2) Radiant CMS    

    3) Browser CMS     


    Today my task is to install OSV on experimental. Then I told admin of experimental to install Ruby on Rails so that I run OSV on experimental. After installation of RoR on experimental, I successfully installed OSV but its give same error of MiniMagick during uploading images as earlier on my laptop. Then I again asked to admin for installing ImageMagick on experimental. Its installed but giving error of library. This error is solved by installing additionally library on experimental. Fom these errors I have learned new things.

    I am trying to install Refinery CMS on my laptop but it gives error. Then i move to Radiant CMS but it also gives error. And at last Refinery CMS is installed on experimental by sir.


    Today, I buy my own domain name from I want but its not available and I go for Now I’m creating my own website using RoR CMS.

    As Radiant is installed on experimental but Its speed is slow then I have found solution for that.

    Ruby on Rails uses WEBrick to test applications in a development environment. 

    This makes speed of applications slow because WEBrick is doing a reverse DNS lookup on connecting IPs by default. In other words, it’s trying to see if your IP address is associated with a domain name. This is unnecessary and takes too long.

    so we can disable it by doing the following :

    :DoNotReserveLookup => nil,


    :DoNotReserveLookup => true,

    Look for the file /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/config.rb and edit it.

    Replace the line

    Restart webrick and it’ll work well.


    Today I am studying how to build apps using Radiant or Refinery CMS.


    I have created my first sample website using Radiant CMS. I feel good to this success.

    Have a look :


    All is going well but after installing Refinery on experimental, OSV stops working. It giving script/../config/boot (LoadError) as It uses 2.3.8 version of Rails.


    Today told admin of experimental to install Rails 2.3.8 version for OSV. After installing that It gives following error :

    mandeep@experimental:~/public_html/OSV/OpenStreetView$ script/server -p 3007 

    /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require’: cannot load such file — script/../config/boot (LoadError)         from /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require’         from script/server:2:in `<main>’ 


    Today I tried to solve OSV problem by creating Gemfile. But this problem is not solved by this. Now I’m searching for Rails list for discussing my problem.


    Today, I send mail to Ruby on Rails mailing list related to OSV error. I used Gemfile for defining Rails version. But still giving error.


    I got reply of yesterday’s mail from RoR mailing list. From that I got link for turorial to how to use bundler with Rails 2.x version.

    Link for tutorial :


    I have found that Heroku is a tool for hosting Rails 3.x apps from the discussin in RoR mailing list.

    Here’s the link for discussion :!topic/rubyonrails-talk/bCVxbkjpLtg

    Heroku offers free hosting space with an easy deployment process 

    (especially regarding database setup, which can be a bit of work to 

    configure a DB user, create/grant access to tables, … )

    To start, you first install the gem: 

    gem install heroku 

    Then, you need to register for a free account, and you can provide ssh 

    keys for authentication 

    and with heroku –help should also give some good starting information. 


    Trip to Rajgarh …. 🙂

    Have a look at my experience :

    25-06-2012 to 30-06-2012

    In this week, I am working on OSV to run it on my computer using Rails 2 alongside Rails 3. But Its giving errors, then I mailed my problem on RoR mailing list.

    Here’s link of my discussion on RoR mailing list about my problem:!topic/rubyonrails-talk/Dm9QZDqi2aU

    I have tried all alternative mentioned in this discussion but not able to found the correct result. But got one more error and also discussed that on mailing list.

    Have a look at that discussion too:!topic/rubyonrails-talk/1ifFVEgfnoA

    02-07-2012 to 07-07-2012

    In these days, I re-install Ubuntu with latest version 12.04 for doing OSV. And also install virtual box tu run different OS’s without rebooting. Learned new thing and also successfully installed OSV on Ubuntu 11.10 installed through virtualbox.

    After that my next task was to run OSV on experimental. Then I told admin of experimental to re-install RoR for new start and also RoR version according to OSV requirements. But still having problems with re-installing RoR.

    I also learn about github and also learn the use of github. I also tried Heroku to run rails app and i was successful in that.

    09-07-2012 to 10-07-2012

    In these days I an trying more Rails apps and also do some work with Sandy in organizing qualification. That was nice task and also interesting.

    11-07-2012 to 14-07-2012

    These days are very interesting and learning to me. As i have started doing work on Seat Planning with my friend Satvir. This task was given to Satvir and Karam and Satvir told me to do that with her. Then I have started with her and this was going very interesting. Firstly we created the logic then Satvir implemented that logic means did coding for that in c++(OOPs Language). Then we did some changes to fulfil the requirement and we got the result as we needed.

    But our requirement was changes and its going to big challenge for us to do that. But we tried and find solution, logic.. to do that. Its done by hook or crook but still did few things manually. I feel bad but happy too as its done on time.

    16-07-2012 to 17-07-2012

    Now our next task i.e. seat planner with new start from scratch. We did planning for that and happy with great project. Also heard presentation of 2 weeks training students. Nice presentations.


    Today m doing work on seat planner and also help Jaspreet for diary project. Its my another knowledgeable task. I learn php with this as I am new to that but use basic concepts and did this thing well. But still something left. And i also explain some C++ concepts to Jasleen and Rimpy. I also revise that while explaining.


    Today I’m doing seat planner side by side diary making and also help Davi in creating C++ program. Nice experience. After creating seat planner everyone getting help from me about C++.


    Finding solutions and logic for seat planner. Too much thinking and thinking and thinking….!!!!


    Today I have created a diary code which is too lengthy and complicated. I can use same thing multiple times. When I noticed that I think its funny.


    Today, I modified the diary code into smaller one and feels good because its short and also solves the problem.


    Today I am working on my website. Its working but not created the nice front end.


    Today I have prepared presentation on slot machine but not did too much. As after discussion I feel my presentation was boring and need interesting thing to create it interesting.

    27-07-2012 to 31-07-2012

    Started coding of seat planner. Also using github to manage our code. We changed our coding time to time, creating logics, improving code, also reducing code, having fun with this project. Hope this will be finished as soon as possible.


    I am very happy….. : ) In seat planner project our first strategy is complete. Now only few things left like footer on page and report according to branches. Hope this will be completed soon …. : )